After a lot of research i discovered what i think is the full story of the slenderman.
the slenderman first came into the attention of the media in a somethingawful post about creepy legends.
the post featured a few pictures of the slenderman in places like kid parks and such. but we can go back even more... in the medieval times an artist made a woodcut of a strange skeletal figure named "Der Ritter" meaning "the knight" heres a pic:
As you can see it does have a few notable things the slenderman has like the lack of face, the many appendages and the slim figure (tough im not sure its correlated seeing he's a skeleton)
also notice the hourglass in the picture(gonna be important later)
another wood carving was also made around the time by the apprentice of the artist who made "der Ritter" he made this:
Notice the same kind of figure who once again many limbs and this time takes childrens away.
another artist, Hans Baldung (note all 3 were german) made a very well known piece of art called"3 ages of woman and death" very cheery name isnt it?heres the pic: (warning NSFW)
as you can see the skeletal fellow also holds an hourglass BUT! on the right photo is a scanned version of it made for some money purposes shows many limbs removed from the original picture. why? honestly i do not know but it does make you think
there was also a lot of german and european legends about a creature who sounds a lot like the slenderman, however stories about a creepy man who kidnaps childrens seems a bit too vague for me.
most stories of his appearances seem to be around germany and europe and there is a forest in germany called
Heinhagen wich is apparently a haunted forest. and many stories of haunted forsts appear in germany. quite a lot actually, in romania there a legend of "the tall man" wich is the story of a little girl who kills her family under the influence of the tall man wich is described as "being dressed as a nobleman, in all black with multiple arms like snakes and sharp like swords.
Heinhagen wich is apparently a haunted forest. and many stories of haunted forsts appear in germany. quite a lot actually, in romania there a legend of "the tall man" wich is the story of a little girl who kills her family under the influence of the tall man wich is described as "being dressed as a nobleman, in all black with multiple arms like snakes and sharp like swords.
to finish what are my toughts? well i have 2 theories: the one being the author of the somethingawful post inspired himself of all those stories to create the slenderman and the other one is that the pictures are real...and all i said is true. and the slenderman or "der ritter" or "your uncle in a wet towel contest" or however you wanna call him is real and has stalked the world for as long as the medieval times mostly in europe.
but its just a theor-
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