Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Multiverse thing!

So i discovered a theory i want to talk with other people because its very interesting and i think you guys (and gals) might like it.

So i call the the multi-universe theory because i cant  remember the name so shut up!
so this theory says that basicly, when someone or something do something that is a choice (for exemple choosing a kind of cereal over another for breakfast) a new universe is created where you made that other choice. so if we follow that theory, that would mean that almost each day, someone would make about 100 or more universes since almost EVERYTHING! you do is a choice. even when you think your obligated to go to school or work, you have the choice of not going to, but you dont since you know it has consequences. and considering theres about 7 billion people on earth....thats quite a lot of universes EACH DAY! and we dint even take in count the fact that our universe probably contains a lot more than just us so theres even MORE universes each day!

so said like this, it sounds quite stupid of a theory but i think it might me true. im not a master in physics and science so what do i know?

i also think that if this theory is  true. a time travelling machine would not be possible but a universe travelling machine, THATS interesting consering it would mean everything would be possible! kinda like that multiverse episode of family guy. apparently its a good episode personally its a bit meh...

Anyway, thanks for reading next week ( i hope) we'l take about TIIIIME TRAAVEL!!!

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