this is something asked quite a few times to those that do not think video games are poison. however almost everything created is art. I'm pretty sure you could call some kinds of math art depending on what mathematician you ask.
the really question is "are video games fine art?". Will video games create its Mona Lisa or its citizen Kane? i would say yes but maybe not in the way some may think. when people talk of "art games" they usually think of the graphics/art style or the story/writing and while these can help i think we should judge a game's value not by its graphics or story, but by its game play. video games are an interactive media and should be critiqued as such and while it is true that video games with bad story or graphics can distract quite a lot, in the end the big deal breaker (in my opinion) is the game play. if id want to watch a movie id dust up my DVD player and watch the big lebowski for the ubteen bazillion time.
but video games are much different as a form of art because it uses almost all other arts. it uses graphics, music, writing and maths. what is left that only games can deliver? the game play and that is why it is the focus. I have no problems with games like heavy rain which plays more like an interactive movie but it and games like "The walking Dead" are games focusing mostly on the story but those two games and more do something that a movie could never do and that is give choice to the player. when you watch a movie sometimes people say "no don't go there!" well in video games you can choose to not go there or do so. that is why even tough The walking dead as little focus on game play it is still a good game because choice is the game play and it is very well defined. or take a game like "Super time force" a game with a simple story and retro graphics that may be great in terms of game play but not much else. but the game play that is there is so refined and perfectly designed it is masterful in its execution just like another game.
Shovel knight. this humble little game has a simple but great, progressive story and game play that takes all that has been learned to not change it. but refine it into its purest most polished form.Then there are games like Shadow of the colossus which offers a great story and great gigantic game play.
so to wrap up. all these games i mentioned have something in common. they are designed with their mechanics and quirks in mind in order to bring the best experience to the player and those are what i would call "art games"
thank you very much for reading this have a great evening and i will see you next time,
Mickio Tanerdum